Health Tips


As well as increasing your intake of minerals through supplementing, a few other actions will help you to grow slimmer and younger and live a fuller life. Download our "Getting the most out of In-Sync" sheet.

Avoid junk oils/ spreads
These are often referred to as trans fatty acids, or trans fats, or hydrogenated oils.  British newspaper The Guardian recently reported that eating as little as 25gms of these indigestible oils was equivalent to consuming 250gms of butter.  That is like a death warrant.  Trans fats have been banned in Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, California, New York and Philadelphia.  Don't wait; just ban them yourself.

Avoid soda drinks/ pop or fizzy drinks
They were semi acceptable years ago but NOT today.  They are lethal and are sure fire roads to type II diabetes.  This is because they are now sweetened with fructose, sucrose, even lactose.  These broken sugars contain zero protective minerals which are needed to activate the production of insulin.  Without insulin, you can count the days till you will need a leg amputated! Your choice!

Avoid refined low GI foods
If you find that taking In-Sync Minerals makes your stools loose, it is because your body has decided that a dysfunctional waste system poses the greatest danger to your well being. Should this happen, increase your fibre, decrease your dose of In-Sync .  It does not last for long. Come to think of it, what other supplement would be so effective that it has this cleansing effect?

Increase your intake of water
Don't use your body as a water filter!  Get a carbon water filter and drink enough water so that your lips are not dry and your stool is easy to pass.

Walk to live
Run for fitness, but walk to get well and stay healthy.

Remove all Amalgam Fillings
Save up, get quotes, book four dental appointments

and at each appointment, get any amalgam taken out and replaced with plastic fillings or better still, if you can afford it, plastic crowns.  Fast and cheap is fine.  You can patch up in the years to come. Get opposite jaws completed at each visit.  Top right, then bottom left, then bottom right etc. Check this out
And this

Avoid close contact with chemicals
Be careful about having chemicals close to your body.  Limit deodorants, drugs, non-carbon filtered water, alcohol (in moderation is OK),  colourings, flavourings, preservatives and so on.  Google every pharmaceutical that you are offered, before you pick up the prescription.  Only then decide: Are the potential side effects less than the health issue that you have.  Remember you are going to excrete all of the pharmaceutical into our water, when you go to the toilet.

Avoid eating equal quantities of carbohydrates and protein in the same meal
Your digestive system knows the difference between them and treats them differently.  Best way we know of to reduce your stomach size.  Eating this way is called "food combining".

Wear a harmonizer
Your cells are held together with electricity, so you need a strong aura, especially around external electromagnetic pollution such as WiFi, radio and cell phone transmitters, high tension wires, wireless routers, cell phones etc.  These gadgets increase the strength of electricity holding  your cells together.  Can obtain here.

For more hints and tips to improve your general vitality, bookmark this web site and keep an eye out on latest news, sign up for our newsletters.  Or better still, buy the book "Nature's Power.  The Importance of Minerals in a Healthy Diet"  here


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