Mens Health

For Men


In our polluted environment, it is not surprising some men feel they are an embattled gender. Falling sperm counts, slower sexual maturity, penile deformity in children, increasing achievement of females in sport, government and business...
Few men are aware that our environment is heavily polluted with chemicals that mimic estrogen female hormone). Some of the worst called BPA exen- oestrogen / pseud-estrogen (and there are thousands) are excreted from plastic.  The next worst source of estrogen pollution comes from un-fermented soya which is now included in nearly all foods and ingredients that  are manufactured. More info here.

This chemical plastic based pollution was first discovered in the Great Lakes of North America, a largely land-locked water mass into which these chemicals have accumulated at a higher rate than most.  Researchers discovered that crocodiles were not breeding normally and many birds feeding around refuse tips were gay! Male fish caged in sewerage pond outflow, develop eggs in about 6 weeks.
The next worst source of estrogen pollution comes from un-fermented soy which is now included in nearly all foods and ingredients that  are manufactured. More info here.

The good news

  • is that healthy bodies are quite capable of living with significant quantities of unwanted chemicals;  the emphasis is on the word healthy.

  • is that if you exercise, you will "muscle up" faster when well mineralised. 

  • is when you realise that mental stress from emotional loss or post trauma stress disorder (PTSD) really is the result of your brain being on "go around" mode for a long period.  This hyper brain activity burns trace elements (needed by the brain).  So convinced are we of this, we offer you an introductory discount of 50% on the 60 cap bottle, so you can experience what we mean: Use the code ptsd14 to get the discount.

There is so much to say on this topic. We could go on about prostrate cancer, varicose veins, strokes, heart disease, hemorrhoids...Ultimately, you need to see for yourself why In-Sync Minerals are the best option for you. 


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