What’s in In-Sync Minerals
Minerals, trace elements and naturally occurring vitamins..
In-Sync is formulated as a proprietary, and as far as we are aware, a unique mix of Humic Shale, concentrated Kelp powder plus added chelates of the most scientifically proven beneficial minerals. Each capsule is jammed full of the most needed micro-nutrients.
More minerals
Our source of colloidal minerals provides you with a larger variety of minerals than any other brand. Most colloidal minerals contain 30,000-64,000 milligrams per litre of dissolved solids. Our brand provides you with a concentrated product, with over 90,000 milligrams per litre of dissolved solids. On top of this, our kelp sea mineral is in 4x concentrate form, making it more powerful than most. Take after a meal or with a good glass of carbon filtered or rain water.
100% natural and organic
Our suppliers guarantee to never use heat or chemicals in any process of manufacturing the minerals. And unlike other suppliers, we add no additives, colours or flavours to enhance our products.
Organic Shale and Kelp extract contains
All natural trace elements that have been and in some cases, still are present in our nutritional environment. Four and a half million years of evolution says that we probably have made use of each and every one of these core health nutrients. Over 80 trace minerals and 14 naturally occurring vitamins are found in Kelp Seaweed.
Benefits of In-Sync Minerals
Increased Energy
It relates to the replacement of cells, where genes need to be built as accurate replicas in each cell of those the which has died off. When we are short of trace mineral building blocks, our immune system fights to find the next best option, and the options are numerous; therefore demanding great energy.
Improved Mood
This happens and it is probably due to the fact that the brain will regain access to the full range of enzymes needed to connect the synapses. No more chemical imbalances in the brain.
Improved Sleeping
One of the most commonly reported advantages is improved sleeping and yet we are unsure why this happens.
Functional Bowel
A functioning large bowel is essential as breathing. Your body has evolved with the full knowledge of the importance of expelling unwanted and dangerous toxic contaminants on a regular basis. In order to protect the large bowel, your body will coat the feaces with a protective lubricant that minimises the risk of poisoning the bowel. These processes will be restored.
Recovery from injury and disease
Your body detects injury using electrical messages that run up the nerves to your brain. The stronger these signals, the greater the effort your body puts into detection and repair. If you are not well mineralised, the electrical signals are weak. Your body does not discover disease so readily and the effort it puts into repairs is less and and slows down sooner. It may have difficulty carrying out repairs at all. In-Sync Mineral supplements help to prevent these problems.
Features of In-Sync Minerals
In-Sync Minerals
Contains every known nutrient mineral, contains three times more minerals than most mineral supplements, is 99% organic, is colloidal (or water soluble), is very easily absorbed due to powder formulation delivered in capsules rather than hard-pressed tablets and are not bulked up with tabulating agents. They are created from Humic shale (fulvic) which is 4m year old vegetative deposits, concentrated kelp extract and some high quality chelated minerals.
Humic shale
Humic Shale or fulvic deposits are mined from deposit of pre-historic vegetation that scientists believe was largely responsible for the enormous size of ancient creatures. The shale contains all known minerals in a highly available and completely safe colloidal organic form.
Kelp Powder (sea weed)
The sea is one of nature's greatest reserves of the minerals known on the earth; kelp contains them all, with the added benefit of significant iodine content.
Added Chelates
There are a number of highly beneficial minerals which are very important and are highly beneficial. These especially have been depleted by acid rain and commercial farming systems and food refining. so we add extra in the form of chelates (coated with organic material).
Unlike many synthetic vitamins, concentrated herbs and other refined and concentrated products, colloidal (water soluble) minerals are totally safe and natural. They are not toxic. While the added chelated minerals could be toxic if taken in massive doses by themselves (e.g. just copper or just selenium), if they are taken with the support of other minerals, big doses are not required.
Just one supplement
Like medicines, the majority of supplements are designed to treat just one of the 14,200 known health issues that occasionally rear their heads. In-Sync Mineral supplements are designed as a 'top of the cliff' answer. Our supplement, if not the only supplement you take, should certainly be the first.
Medicines work better
If you are dealing with a health issue, by taking In-Sync mineral supplements, your medicines will work better. This is because your own body's immune system heals and repairs you. In-Sync Minerals boost your healing mechanism, and medicines make you comfortable by reducing pain and symptoms while this happens.
Absorption of vitamins, enzymes, fatty acids and amino acids
For millions of years food has supplied these other supplements, which are further down the digestion process. While they may be necessary, many cannot be absorbed if even one mineral is deficient in your body.
The discovery
Terry discusses the evidence behind In-Sync Minerals