Depression, PTSD & Addiction
Those who have experienced the loss of a close loved one, a relationship breakup, post natal blues, puberty demands or even Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) will recall the feeling of exhaustion, feeling absolutely gutted or washed out, perhaps even a loss of enthusiasm for life. All you want to do is sleep, exit your current environment for a quieter place where you might get your self together again. Yep that is the thing of it, right?
Our experience suggests why this happens. To help explain, here is what your brain needs, every day: Top of the list is a considerable quantity of glucose and oxygen for energy, without which, the brain dies in a matter of seconds. Yet the supply of these two macro ingredients are not the issue when it comes to overcoming this feeling of mental exhaustion. There is definitely something else and we know what it is. Just read and absorb the
It is estimated that our brains need approximately 300,000 different enzymes to function properly (NeuroLink). By proper function we mean to feel relaxed, to express empathy, feel compassion, be enthusiastic and have a general concern for others. An enzyme is the chemically active glue that makes the connection between each of the billions of neurons in our brain. Each enzyme has a different basic structure, so to build all the required connections.
When you realise that an enzyme is made 50 percent of saturated fat and 50 percent of more of 80 trace elements, you will get an idea how and why In-Sync works. By the way, the World Health Organization say our food is extremely deficient, NOT in saturated fat, but definitely DEFICIENT in trace elements.
The next important fact to remember is that ALL of these nutrients, to a greater or lesser extent, get used up and need constant replenishment. How do we know this? For a start. we know that there are approximately 20 million cells that die each day in each one of us. Having reached their “use by date” these old cells die and are expelled through the lymph system during exercise. Each lost cell has to be replaced by an identical new cell. In the cell, whether plant animal or human being, there are chromosomes, which carry almost all of the information required to direct a cell’s growth, division and production of proteins. These chromosomes are made up of information carrying genes. Each new cell must include these genetic blueprints. Stress ramps up the destruction of neurons and chews through enzymes like a V8 chews through fuel.
Cellular renewal is well described in a recently republished book called “Minerals for the Genetic Code by Charles Walters” available on US What it explains is that amongst other stresses, but especially an absence of, or a marked imbalance of critical minerals, cell renewal can injure the chromosome by altering the chemistry of a gene so that it conveys misinformation (called point mutation) or by breaking the chromosome (called deletion). A cell may be killed or it may reproduce the induced error. If the required trace mineral is not available, our body will attempt to accept next best; wasting considerable energy to a achieve an inferior outcome. Yes that is correct; DNA is altered after birth.
Finally we must accept what the World Health Organization tells us. Our food, especially in the western world of acidic oil made NPK fertilizers and commercial farming and acidic rain, is over 90 percent deficient in these tiny but vital micro-nutrients or trace elements. This does not bode well for the integrity of new replacement chromosomes nor the intelligence of or indeed the survival of our species.
The good news is that this regression can be reversed and at least in part, relatively quickly. We have discovered, that if the provision of the supplemented nutrients is balanced, absorbable, complete and especially if concentrated, as in In-Sync Minerals, you will feel the difference in a matter say 5 days. Contact us for a free sample, if you doubt the sincerity of our words. No shit man, we mean it!